Case ongoing

Chanel Dolcy Notable Cases

R (FNM) v DPP [2020] EWHC 870 (Admin)

Represented a teenager in a judicial review challenging the CPS’s handling of her Victims Right to Review. The High Court granted the application for judicial review and quashed the DPP’s decision upholding the original decision not to prosecute. The High Court affirmed that victims must be given a fair opportunity to make representations and, if a victim makes representations, they must be taken into account. It was also held that there was a legitimate expectation that this would happen on the facts of her case.

AZK v The Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police (2019)

Civil claim settled for damages awarded to vulnerable woman who was sexually assaulted by a police officer while on duty. The officer also used his position to obtain unauthorised access of personal details held on police databases.

Tyrone Givans, deceased (2019)

Represented the family of Tyrone Givans, who died at HMP Pentonville. Tyrone was a profoundly deaf prisoner who was not provided with his hearing aids for almost three weeks before he took his own life. The jury found that a series of omissions and missed opportunities contributed to his death.

Catherine Horton, deceased (2018)

Represented the family of Catherine Horton who absconded from a South London and Maudesley Mental Health Unit. The jury found a failure by ward staff to adequately observe Catherine, note her absence and report her absconsion. They also found that it took an unacceptably long period of time to execute a warrant to return Catherine to hospital. They concluded that neglect contributed to her death.

GZS v The Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire Police (2018)

An admission of liability and damages secured on behalf of a family following the disclosure of their safe address to a violent ex-partner which placed them at significant risk of harm. At the time of the disclosure, the family had recently moved due to concerns regarding their safety in light of historic and continuing domestic violence.

HZM v The Chief Constable of Surrey Police (2018)

An admission of liability and significant damages secured following an officer who accessed personal information held on police databases over a number of years for no proper policing purpose.

MZA v The London Borough of Bexley (2018)

Significant damages secured for breaches of a duty of care in negligence to safeguard a vulnerable child from sexual assault and/or sexual exploitation.

SZI v The Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police (2018)

Settlement of £18,500 secured for the failure of the police to ensure that a young person was not identified to the defendants in criminal proceedings in which she had provided a witness statement.

SZA and Others v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis (2017)

A letter of apology and damages in the sum of £17,000 secured for a family who were the subject of a police raid at their home. The suspect the police were looking for had moved from the property almost twelve months previously.

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