Jade Xavier vs CPM
Megan currently represents Mr Xavier in his complaint and claim against TSG officers of the Metropolitan Police following events in May 2020. See national press coverage of the incident giving rise to his claim here:
DA vs CPM (2020)
Megan represented a young man in his civil claim and complaint against officers of the Metropolitan Police following his arrest and subsequent criminal prosecution. A protracted complaint investigation, including 2 appeals to the IOPC, eventually led to a direction that some of his complaints be upheld and his civil claim for damages subsequently settled thereafter.
Natasha Chin, deceased (2019)
Megan represented Natasha’s family at the inquest following her death at HMP Bronzefield in 2016. At the conclusion of the lengthy inquest the jury delivered a highly critical narrative verdict which detailed multiple failures by staff to ensure that Ms Chin was administered medication and her condition monitored. The jury found that her death was contributed to by Neglect and by “a systemic failure through poor governance which led to a lack of basic care” and by the failure of Sodexo to ensure that medication was administered on time and medical records were appropriately checked.
Read the full press release on the INQUEST website here. See further coverage on Channel 4 News here and in the Guardian here.
Annabella Landsberg, deceased (2019)
Megan represented the family of Annabella Landsberg who died at HMP Peterborough at the inquest in to her death in 2019, and in the family’s subsequent successful civil claim. The inquest concluded with a critical narrative jury finding which catalogued numerous serious “failings on the part of the prison, healthcare staff, GPs and custody officers that contributed to the death of Annabella Landsberg”.
See the full press release on the conclusion of the inquest on the INQUEST website here. Read further coverage on the Guardian website here.
AA vs CPM (2019)
Megan represented a young man in relation to his complaint and claim arising out of his arrest and resulting prosecution. The civil claim settled prior to the delayed complaint investigation by the Metropolitan Police which subsequently led to a gross misconduct hearing being held for the officers involved in events giving rise to his claim.
DS v The Priory Group (2019)
Megan achieved an admission of liability of the claimant’s claim under the Human Rights Act and damages in respect of a claim against the Priory Group for their failures to ensure the safety of the claimant whilst in their care. In addition, she achieved a successful outcome to his complaint brought under the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Process.
JM v CPM and CPS (2018)
Megan secured a successful settlement in claims brought under the Equality Act and Human Rights Act against the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and the Crown Prosecution Service in respect of the claimant’s treatment following failures to adequately investigate his criminal complaints and his treatment during that process.
Amanda Jaye Briley, deceased (2018)
Megan acted for the family of Amanda Briley at the inquest in to her death on 28 December 2016. At the time of her death Amanda was detained under section 3 of the Mental Health Act at the Bradgate Mental Health Unit, under the care of the Leicestershire Partnership Trust. The jury inquest conclusion included that she had died ‘by misadventure’, contributed to by neglect by the Leicestershire Partnership Trust. The jury returned a highly critical narrative conclusion, funding both a system failure and a series of individual failings in relation to her care.
For full press coverage on the INQUEST website see here.
Susan Sian Jones, deceased (2016)
Megan acted for Ms Jones’ family at the inquest into her death which was heard by a jury following a challenge of the coroner’s decision making. In their narrative conclusion the jury concluded that Ms Jones’ death was contributed to by failings on the part of police officers to recognise her as vulnerable, to pass on information about her methadone use, and failures in officers’ monitoring of her. The jury found the monitoring of Ms Jones had been inadequate, and that this was due in part to the Metropolitan Police officers’ training and policies.
The Metropolitan police are currently conducting a review into their policies in respect of persons in their supervision and care, but not in their custody.
Natasha Evans, deceased (2016)
Megan acted for the family of Natasha Evans following her death in HMP Eastwood Park in November 2013. Following a three week inquest before HM Senior Coroner for the District of Avon the jury concluded that Natasha’s death was contributed to by neglect.
Megan subsequently acted for the family in the successful resolution of the civil claim for damages arising out of Natasha’s death, a resolution which included an admission of breach of duty and an apology.
Mohidin & Khan v CPM [2015] EWHC 2740 (QB)
The High Court in this case upheld claims against the MPS brought by Omar Mohidin and Basil Khan finding that they were assaulted, falsely imprisoned and racially abused.
More detail can be found in the press release here. The full judgment is here.
CK v Commissioner of Police [2013]
Successful civil claim for false imprisonment, assault and battery and malicious prosecution on behalf of a young man who sustained serious physical and psychological injuries as result of events given rise to his claim, damages for which formed part of the substantial award. In tandem a proposed challenge to the outcome of CK’s formal police complaint by the Metropolitan Police resulted in the Independent Police Complaints Commission unusually agreeing to undertake a fresh independent investigation which resulted in recommendations that officers face misconduct proceedings.
RJ v Commissioner of Police [2013]
Resolution of a successful civil claim on behalf of a young man for false imprisonment, assault and battery and malicious prosecution arising out of 2 separate incidents connected by the involvement of the same officers.
JM and family v Commissioner of Police [2013]
Successful civil claim on behalf of a young man and his family who were subjected to a police raid at their home address, which contravened their rights under Article 8 of the ECHR. Damages were paid to the whole family and to JM who was also unlawfully arrested. The civil claim followed an investigation into their formal police complaint, which was upheld.
LH v Commissioner of Police [2013]
Successful civil claim for assault settled following LH’s formal police complaint having been upheld and leading to gross misconduct proceedings against the officers accused of assault.
NS v Commissioner of Police [2013]
Resolution of a civil claim on behalf of a young man whose claims included false imprisonment, assault and battery, malicious prosecution and claims under Articles 3,5 and 8 of the ECHR arising out of numerous stops and searches by the Metropolitan police over a number of years.
The Edgware Road TSG prosecution
Megan acts for two of the young boys who became prosecution witnesses against a TSG serial accused of racially aggravated assault. Her legal work on behalf of the boys has included judicial review of decisions reached by the IPCC, several police complaints and ongoing private law litigation.
Mohammed Ali
Megan acted for Mr Ali who gave prosecution evidence against a Metropolitan police officer accused of racially aggravated assault and achieved a successful resolution of the related civil proceedings and a misconduct tribunal.
AY v The Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, December 2010
Achieved settlement in the sum of £15,000 in respect of claims for false imprisonment, assault and malicious prosecution, following the IPCC having upheld client’s appeal against the outcome of her complaint against officers of the Metropolitan Police.
CZ v The Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, November 2010
Achieved settlement in the sum of £27,500 in respect of claims for false imprisonment, assault and malicious prosecution, together with an apology.
AT v The Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, July 2010
Successful judicial review proceedings arising out of the administration of a caution.
KA v The Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, May 2010
Successful judicial review proceedings arising out of the administration of a caution to the client.
Subsequent representation when the officers involved in events faced misconduct proceedings in respect of breaches of the standards of professional behaviour, which resulted in one breach being found proven.
Subsequent further successful judicial review proceedings on behalf of client for breaches of the Data Protection Act arising out of events following the conclusion of the first judicial review proceedings.
Anonymous v The Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, September 2009
Achieved damages in the sum of £15,000 together with an admission of liability and apology for false imprisonment and assault following the officer facing misconduct proceedings at which breaches of the Code of Conduct were found proven.
Anonymous v Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, September 2009
Achieved settlement of a civil claim on behalf of the family arising out of the death of their husband and father whilst in prison custody and in hospital.
Madalina Benson, deceased, July 2009
Inquest into the death of a young woman aged 29 years at Kettering General Hospital in November 2002 at which the Assistant Deputy Coroner for Northamptonshire concluded that the death was as a the result of a multi-faceted and multi-layered systemic failure involving staff at all levels.
Successful settlement of the civil claim achieving damages in excess of £100,000.
Anonymous v The Chief Constable of Kent Police, July 2009
A free-standing HRA claim for breach of article 8 on behalf of a couple and their 2 young children arising out of a police raid on their home which settled for £6,500, together with an apology.
Mohammed Ali v The Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, October 2008
Successful civil claim for assault, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution, which achieved damages in the sum of £20,000 following the prosecution of the officer involved for racially aggravated assault.
Anonymous v The Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, August 2008
Achieved damages of £14,000 in respect of claims for false imprisonment, assault, malicious process and racial discrimination including in relation to the manner in which the client’s police complaint had been investigated.